Pestco Professional Services – 74 Years Of Superior Service

It all began with the American dream of a Lithuanian immigrant named Milton Zlotnik, who first learned about pest control while serving in the United States Army during the turbulent years of World War II.

In 1948, he took on a distributorship for a unique new product, the first fan-operated air freshener, which was invented by his Brother-in-law, Bob Surloff, thus creating the first monthly commercial air freshener service route.

This was the world’s first fan-operated air freshener dispenser, which was named Air-Scent.

Milton Zlotnik And Wife Mimie

There, while servicing his current accounts, Milton became aware that additional service offerings as well as air fresheners might fit in well within standard company operations.

Consequently, later that year, he established a commercial pest company known as Pittsburgh Exterminating Service and Termite Control with his wife, Marion (Mimie), which they later shortened to PESTCO. This would eventually become Pestco Professional Services.

Mimie And Milton Zlotnik Pestco Founders

A Quick Of History of Pestco Professional Services

The company began its long and arduous climb to prominence throughout Greater Pittsburgh, Western PA counties and surrounding tri-state areas.

Milton and Mimie originally operated the business out of their home in Pittsburgh and later moved to a building in West Homestead, PA; and later to Braddock, PA.

Pestco Pittsburgh Original Office

As the business grew, Milton realized the need to augment his knowledge about insects, and he became acquainted with a nearby neighbor, Arnold Mallis, who was the a leading entomologist and author of The Mallis Handbook of Pest Control, which is considered to this day to be the foremost authority on urban entomology.

In the mid 1970s, Milton’s son, Arnold Zlotnik, revitalized the Air-Scent service line and expanded the commercial pest control service operation, and after Milton and Mimie stepped away from the daily operations of the company, he bought the business from them in 1985.

On August 2, 1995, a catastrophic fire ravaged the entire facility, which was based in Braddock, PA, and burnt it to the ground, forcing relocation.

Pestco Air-Scent Fire

For the last 27 years, Pestco Professional Services’ home has been in Pittsburgh’s RIDC Industrial Park in O’Hara Township and we have most recently expanded to a second facility in Harmar Township.

Why Local Family-Run Pest Control Is Better

While all commercial enterprises have their challenges, family-owned and operated businesses face a unique set of challenges.

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), family-owned businesses make up 90% of all business enterprises in North America, and they are responsible for 62% of U.S. employment.

Anyone who owns and operates a family-owned business knows full well that it is not always an easy endeavor.

However, employees of most family-owned businesses are generally happier, more productive and feel better about their jobs.

These enterprises embody stability and longevity, at the very least.

There is an invisible double edge sword that hovers over their success, however, which begins with a history but at the same time, can only survive by being versatile and adaptive to change.

Consumers feel a powerful tug towards family owned businesses, and this warm and fuzzy aspect encourages feelings of trust and reliability.

Pestco is and always has been a family-run business equipped with the most cutting edge and cost-effective pest control strategies for commercial, industrial and residential spaces.

Pestco 75th Anniversary

Our Pest Control Promise To Pittsburgh

Now headed by Robert Wiemer and an amazing staff of highly trained professionals, our unwavering mission continues to be the same as it has over the course of time; namely, to provide experienced, responsive and uncompromising service to all of our customers.

Our friendly and supportive team help all customers through the process of dealing with a pest infestation, which can be both harrowing and time consuming.


Pestco Professional Services Pest Control


Our reputation is a legacy, which is as precious as a family heirloom passed down lovingly from one generation to the next.

We are equipped with the most advanced and cost-effective pest-control strategies for commercial, industrial and residential spaces.

Over the course of more than seven decades, we have mushroomed into an industrial leader offering the most superior pest control services, products and solutions that money can buy to commercial, industrial and residential spaces plagued with pest infestations of all types.

Our knowledgeable technicians understand that each infestation presents its own set of problems and challenges and they are prepared to meet any pest infestation head-on.

(Nick Vasko A.C.E. and Jennifer Keller)
Friendliest Pittsburgh Pest Control

All of our technicians are registered and/or licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and attend monthly workshops to keep them always one step ahead of both insect and rodent behavior.

Our success is due to the innovative spirit of the company powers-that-be who are always seeking new and unique pest control and pest management strategies and pushing that proverbial envelope far beyond customer expectations.

In Conclusion

The Pestco family is the best there is when it comes to pest-control and pest-maintenance solutions. 

Seventy-five years and still going strong is a fine bellwether for another seven decades of continued success!

Call our teams today if you need help with a pest infestation!

That’s what we are here for!


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